As a general rule, for those interested in the study of the Truth leading to baptism, we provide the following materials:

Booklet 1 which contains Key Lessons 1 – 7 and a Bible Reading Companion to encourage daily reading of the Bible which will help with the understanding of the Key Lessons.

Booklet 2 which contains Key Lesson 8 – 17 and a copy of the Christadelphian Instructor. 

Booklet 3 which contains Lessons 18 – 25 and also a copy of the very important booklet The Blood of Christ along with the articles "The Constitution of Sin" & "The Constitution of Righteousness" (from Elpis Israel) to be read after the completion of Key Lesson 20 which concludes the 3-part series on The Devil.

A Christendom Astray only at the conclusion of Lesson 25 and only if you are interested in baptism. This fundamental work written by bro. Robert Roberts will greatly consolidate all the Key Lessons previously studied which were a summary of the main principles set forth and greatly expanded upon in Christendom Astray.  Particular attention should be given to the final two lectures “The refuge from the storm” or, “What must I do to be saved?” and Lecture 18 “The ways of Christendom inconsistent with the commandments of Christ” 

If you wish to then be baptised, you will receive the 6-part Baptismal Review Book which also includes a copy of The Statement of Faith, Doctrines to be rejected, Commandments of Christ, and the Berean Restatement, which should be a final preparation for baptism. This book ought to be studied with an experienced member of a Berean Christadelphian ecclesia. We have available audio versions of study classes on the Baptismal Review Book that can help guide you through your preparation.

After baptism this book, which also contains other important articles on fellowship and the atonement, can be kept as a record of what was learnt during your preparation and as a guide for further study.

An Elpis Israel will also be given to you at baptism, and other books thereafter on the Truth by our pioneer brethren, John Thomas & Robert Roberts.

To receive this material or any other enquiries, please use the following contact information:


Berean Christadelphians Papua New Guinea

Port Moresby

Daviong Kori

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Lae (Morobe Province)

Kumo Unei Kasu

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Mount Hagen (Western Highlands Province)

Mathew Ake

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Berean Christadelphians Australia

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